The Highwire with Del Bigtree

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The Highwire with Del Bigtree

The Highwire with Del Bigtree


AIRDATE: June 6, 2024

AIRDATE: June 6, 2024

The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty missed its deadline, but their amendments to the International Health Regulations have passed enshrining new pandemic rules for the legally binding contract for 196 countries.

#WHO #PandemicTreaty #WHOPandemicTreaty

Independent journalist and podcast host, Savanah Hernandez, discusses her fearless style of ‘guerrilla journalism’ and how it has helped her bring light to the most controversial and censored issues of today.


Last week, Del joined thousands of freedom fighters from around the world in ‘The Road to Geneva People’s Convoy’ to protest the WHO IHR Amendments to their Pandemic Treaty Agreement in the city that is essentially the world headquarters of globalism. Hear from some of the most powerful voices in the freedom movement on why all countries need to maintain independence from unelected global leaders at this crucial time in history.

#RoadToGeneva #WEF #WHO #PandemicTreaty

Del Reports on the Road To Geneva Protest and his inside Look at the World Powers at Work There; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on Fauci on Capitol Hill, and new twist in the emergence of AI; Firebrand Journalist exposes destructive policies threatening our health and freedom.

Guest: Savanah Hernandez

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Every Thursday, 11am PT (2pm ET)

#RoadtoGeneva #PandemicTreaty #FreedomRally #SavanahHernandez #IllegalImmigrants #MigrantCrisis #DelBigtree #WHO #PublicHealth #Ep375

The health effects of microplastics on the human body are taking center stage as water bottle use, billions of masks and PPE from the COVID response have flooded our environment with unprecedented contamination. Newly published studies show that microplastics may be contributing to blood clots and other health issues. Even more shocking- another study found microplastics in the testicles of every dog and human tested, giving way to serious implications of infertility.

#MicroPastics #PlasticWaterBottles #PPETrash #PPEPolution #Fertility #Testicles

Dr. Michael Nehls, Physician and Molecular Geneticist, returns to The HighWire with shocking stats on vitamin D’s proven health effects on COVID-19 patients and how health regulators world wide censored this life saving information from the public from the early days of the pandemic. He also discusses lithium orotate, and how it may be helpful in treating those suffering from and at risk for the debilitating conditions of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

#VitaminD #MichaelNehls #Lithium

After the failed attempt to keep digital passports online after the pandemic, Jefferey Jaxen discusses how a newly passed digital ID bill in the Australian parliament may be paving the way for the country to go completely cashless. Then, learn how private banks are using your purchasing data to sell to advertisers, and how fast food restaurants are beginning to use biometrics when you buy your next burger.

#DigitalID #DigitalPassport #AustraliaDigitalID

We continue our coverage from last week, following the shocking revelation that NIH officials were purposely communicating in methods to avoid FOIA’s. Following these discoveries made through Senior Advisor to the Deputy Director of NIAID, David Morens, testimony in Congress and emails, we now know that Francis Collins and other senior officials at NIH used encrypted non-governmental email accounts, and replaced letters of scientists with symbols to avoid having to disclose their communications to the public. All eyes are on Tony Fauci who is set to testify publicly this Monday for the first time since this scandal broke.

#NIH #DavidMorens #LabOrigins #GainOfFunction

Dr. Andrew Wakefield returns to The HighWire with actress Emmy Robbin to discuss the highly anticipated release of his new film, Protocol 7, chronicling the true story of the historical lawsuit against Merck for fraudulent activity behind the mumps portion of their MMR vaccine.

#AndyWakefield #EmmyRobbins #MMR #Protocol7 #Merck

With their meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, member states of the World Health Organization have failed to reach an agreement on the Internal Health Regulation amendments of the proposed pandemic treaty. This comes on the heels of fierce opposition by members of the US Senate, Attorneys General and state legislatures.

#WHO #PandemicTreaty #PandemicAgreement #WEF

‘Protocol 7’ Director and Lead Actress Talk Coming Release; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the perils of microplastics, the NIH FOIA Scandal, and The Digital ID Debate heats up in Australia; Can two simple supplements slow or even stop Alzheimer’s?

Guests: Andrew Wakefield, Emmy Robbin, Dr. Michael Nehls

Watch at
Every Thursday, 11am PT (2pm ET)

#AndyWakefield #Protocol7 #EmmyRobbin #MichaelNehlsMD #Alzheimers #IndoctrinatedBrain #Microplastics #DelBigtree #Ep374 #PublicHealth #FOIALady

Director, Mikki Willis, and musician, DPAK, join Del with details on the latest installment of the ‘Plandemic Series’, ‘Plandemic: The Musical’. Hear how the filmmaker and musician became collaborators and how their inspirational work has become a perfect union.

Hear an update on one of The HighWire’s biggest heroes, Dr Jim Meehan, his health struggle, and how you can help.

#JimMeehan #GiveSendGo

Nate Jones, founder of best selling nasal rinse, Xlear, describes his long battle against the FTC's attempt to shut down his clinically tested product because of its efficacy against COVID-19.

#Xlear #NateJones #FTC

Conflicts of interest within the medical community have reached record highs as concerns for patient safety and independent scrutiny of Big Pharma products are driven by newly released information showing serious conflicts of interest.

As the investigation into the origins and handling of the COVID-19 pandemic takes center stage through congressional hearings, shocking testimony is being revealed to the public. Shockingly, Dr. Lawrence Tabak, principal Deputy Director of the National Institutes of Health, has admitted under oath that NIH was funding gain of function research. In an even more shocking turn, newly released emails from Dr. David Morens, who worked as Senior Advisor to the Director at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases directly under Dr. Anthony Fauci, reveal shocking revelations that senior officials at NIH were purposely using private emails and having in person conversations to avoid FOIA requests. Amidst all of this, HHS has stripped all funding from Peter Daszak, and Eco Health Alliance.

#EcoHealth #DrPeterDaszak #DrAnthonyFauci #DrDavidMorens #FOIA #NIH #HHS #NIAID #DrLawrenceTabak

Swiss Attorney, Philipp Kruse, Esq., joins Del with critical details about the upcoming WHO meetings in Geneva to solidify the dangerous Pandemic Agreement in the wake of their massive failure in the responses to COVID. Hear how you can be a part of the resistance at the upcoming ‘Road to Geneva’ convoy to the United Nations HQ which you can watch live on The HighWire.

#WHO #PandemicAgreement #RoadToGeneva

As the ‘COVID Cartel’ slowly comes apart at the seams, the former director of the NIH, Francis Collins, joined the legions of health leaders, politicians and journalists who have admitted to misrepresenting the science when it came to the pandemic response.
Hear how he conceded when it came to the science behind social distancing and the likelihood lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 last week at the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

#NIH #FrancisCollins #Wuhan #SocialDistancing

Bombshell Admissions from Francis Collins in Closed-Door Meeting; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the COVID Public Health Scandal being exposed by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, and massive conflicts of interest in the Pharma/Medical Apparatus are exposed; XClear Founder’s Company is Last One Standing in Fight against FTC Attack on his effective product; ‘Plandemic: The Musical’ Set for Premiere in Austin.

Guests: Philipp Kruse, Esq., LLM; Nate Jones; Mikki Willis & DPAK

Watch at
Every Thursday, 11am PT (2pm ET)

#MikkiWillis #DPAK #Plandemic #PlandemicTheMusical #NateJones #COVID #LabOrigin #Wuhan #EcoHealthAlliance #PublicHealth #GainofFunction #DelBigtree #Ep373

General Surgeon, Eithan Haim, MD, details his harrowing story as a whistleblower who exposed the largest pediatric hospital in the country, Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, lying about their pediatric gender transition programs. He details how the hospital continued and promoted its physicians to provide puberty blockers to minors despite publicly stating this program was halted, and how HHS sent agents to his house to investigate him under the Department of Justice after his story broke.

#TexasChildrensHospital #EithanHaim #TransgenderCare


Created 4 years ago.

1523 videos

Category Health & Medical

High above the circus of mainstream media spin, death-defying talk without the safety net of corporate influence… this is HIGH WIRE.

Del Bigtree is a man with allegiance to no one and nothing but the truth. As an Emmy Award winning producer on the CBS talk show The Doctors, Del uncovered a story of corruption so morally bankrupt and profound that it destroyed his politics, his trust in medical science, and his belief in the mainstream media establishment that refused to allow him to do his job.

Now Del is on a quest to find answers to the questions everyone else is afraid to ask.

Tune in every Thursday at 11am pst, on Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter, @HighWireTalk